In her book Witchcraft
and Society in England and America, 1550-1750, Marion Gibson pointed out that Thomas Middleton distanced the sabbat led by Hecate in his play The Witch, by placing the narrative in a
foreign, Catholic location.[1] Geographic
displacement is a trait shared by two other plays from the seventeenth-century
which featured a witches’ meeting or ‘sabbat’. A multitude of authors on
witchcraft in early modern England, from the very first writers like C.
L’Estrange Ewen, Wallace Notestein, and G.L. Kitteridge, to more recent works
by James Sharpe have argued that the sabbat
as it was conceptualised on the continent (as a black mass, a diabolic
inversion of Roman Catholic ceremony) never truly made it into popular beliefs
in England.
More recently James Sharpe has argued that meetings did develop in a
small number of isolated cases in the seventeenth century and cited some of the
more extraordinary cases. The earliest recorded gatherings in witch trials of
large groups of witches, or of suspected associations of witches occurred in
the 1570s and 1580s. Witches’ sabbats
also appeared both in print and on stage.
What is interesting about the majority of sabbats in print on stage and in print is that they were, as Gibson
pointed out in relation to Middleton’s The
Witch, were geographically distant. In plays they are in places that are
distant from London, in Scotland, Italy and Lancashire. Not all witch plays
were distanced, some were far closer geographically, but those didn’t
I have written here before about Macbeth, a play which opens with three
women who may be fairies, goddesses, fates, or witches. In 1618 several more
direct witchcraft references in Macbeth were added from Middleton’s The Witch, suggesting that
contemporaries therefore chose the last option and interpreted the weird
sisters as witches.
I would suggest that the same distancing takes place
at the beginning of The Late Lancashire
Witches in 1634:
Corrantoes failing, and no foot post
Possessing us with Newe; of forraine State,
No accidents abroad worthy Relation
Arriving here, we are forc'd from our owne Nation
To ground the Scene that's now in agitation.
The Project unto many here well knowne;
Those Witches the fat Iaylor brought to Towne,
An Argument so thin, persons so low
Can neither yeeld much matter, nor great show.
Expect no more than can from such be rais'd,
So may the Scene passe pardon’d, though not prais'd.
This distancing suggests that these incidences of
witchcraft are alien to the audience watching the play, and that Lancashire is
as much a strange and foreign place as Italy or Scotland. Since no news has
come from a foreign state which is strange enough to entertain.
These three places are interesting sites to place a sabbat. In Italy witches sabbats had long been described in
trials; Scotland likewise had a longer history of large trials featuring groups
of witches who met together to plan acts of maleficium.
Lancashire, with its population of recusants, and distance from the London
audience, must have seemed (and sometimes still does, depending on who you are talking to) a strange and foreign land,
almost as alien as medieval Scotland or Roman Catholic Italy.
Richard Wilson has suggested that the representation
of a satanic conspiracy would have been both frighteningly alien and strangely
familiar to Shakespeare’s London audience in 1604. [2] A
year later the Gunpowder Plot would have made it even more disturbingly
Wilson goes on to argue that the appearance of witches
meeting late at night in strange and distant lands would influence not only a
whole generation of ‘witch plays’ (including The Witch and The Late Lancashire Witches).[3]
Witches who meet on stage or in real life in England
have too often been dismissed as foreign aberrations, and the distancing of
locales in witches might meet on stage seems to mirror that. Yet sabbats
were often depicted in the same manner across Europe. Yet some people Matthew
Hopkins, believed he lived next to the site of a witches’ meeting:
he had some seven or eight of that horrible sect of Witches living in
the Towne where he lived, a Towne in Essex called Maningtree, with divers other
adjacent Witches of other towns, who every six weeks in the night (being
alwayes on the Friday night) had their meeting close by his house, and had
their severall solemne sacrifices there offered to the Devill, one of which
this discoverer heard speaking to her Imps one night[.]
So to return to my three examples: the courtly
intrigues presented in both Macbeth and
The Witch needed to be distanced from
the English courts where in Macbeth’s case, the new Scottish King ruled (and
had a sideline as the only ruler to both take a personal hand in discovering
witches, and writing his own guide to finding witches); and in The Late Lancashire Witches, the distance
is emphasised as not actually a foreign place, but the strangest and most exotic story the playwrights could come up with, given the lack of exciting news from foreign lands.
Witches meetings have been on my mind this week as I edit the chapters of my thesis that deal with them. The problem of distance is tied up in the consensus that they are an English idea at all, and were imported from the continent. I suppose in the end i am agreeing that there reasons for distance in all three cases. But there is also something in the hypothesis that full fledged black masses were very unusual (if not downright alien) to English witch beliefs.
In these theatrical examples there are certainly ideas which can be seen as continental intruders, and next week I intend to continue with this exploration of distance, foreign ideas and plays, by examining flying witches in England. From Macbeth to a Civil War battleground, witches who flew were even rarer than their compatriots who met at distant locales to feast, exchange familiars, and worship the Devil.
Witches meetings have been on my mind this week as I edit the chapters of my thesis that deal with them. The problem of distance is tied up in the consensus that they are an English idea at all, and were imported from the continent. I suppose in the end i am agreeing that there reasons for distance in all three cases. But there is also something in the hypothesis that full fledged black masses were very unusual (if not downright alien) to English witch beliefs.
In these theatrical examples there are certainly ideas which can be seen as continental intruders, and next week I intend to continue with this exploration of distance, foreign ideas and plays, by examining flying witches in England. From Macbeth to a Civil War battleground, witches who flew were even rarer than their compatriots who met at distant locales to feast, exchange familiars, and worship the Devil.
Gibson, Witchcraft and Society in England
and America, 1550-1750, pp. 97-98.
[2] Richard Wilson, “The. pilot's. thumb: Macbeth
and. the. Jesuits”, in The Lancashire
Witches: Histories and Stories, p. 127.
[3] Wilson, “The pilot’s thumb”, p. 127.
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